
FIELD Enchantment
RANGE 10 Paces
CASTING COST 1 Spell Point
DURATION Until Command is carried out

               This is the easiest of all the Enchantment Spells to learn and it is one of the most useful.  It is limited in that target of the Spell must be able to hear and understand the command of the Caster and only one command can be given.
When the Mage wishes to Charm a victim they must simply point at their chosen target while uttering the words of the Spell and then, in a clear and easily heard voice, tell the target what the command is.
Standard commands are the likes of – “Follow me” – “Forget me” – “Trust me” – “Desire me” – “Attack your friend” – “Walk away”.  Nothing too complex will be followed and if the command is even slightly open to misunderstanding it will be either ignored or a confused version of the desired command will be acted upon.
If the intended victim has a high Will Power they will be likely to counter the command and if the action that the Mages wants the victim to take goes against the nature of the target, again it is likely that they will be able to ignore the Caster.
In the event of the Mage continually Casting this Spell upon one victim, that victim will become more and more subordinate of the Caster and could possibly, eventually, become little more than a mindless slave.

             Jerome smiled across the bar at the pretty young waitress and was silently pleased when he caught her eye.  She grinned at him and made her way across the crowded room to the Mage’s table.
“What can I be getting for you then, young sir?” she asked him, casually rubbing a damp cloth against the dark ale-stained wood of the table.
Jerome muttered the Incantation of the Spell that he had used to great effect in so many similar situations and, in a voice just loud enough for the waitress and no others to hear, he said, “Desire me!”
A red flush sprang into the pale cheeks of the young woman and her breathing immediately degenerated into hoarse gasps.  She leaned forwards towards Jerome, displaying a cleavage that had featured heavily in many of the dreams of the young men of the village.
“May I?” she asked and then slipped onto the bench beside the grinning Mage.
The waitress slipped a hand under the table and lightly laid it on the Mage’s crotch.  With a gently pressure she began to press against the growing bulge.
“Your room,” she whispered.  “Please, I’ll do anything.”
“What a wonderful Spell,” thought Jerome.  “And so underrated!”

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