Mind Shield

FIELD Enchantment
RANGE Caster
CASTING COST 1 Spell Point

                     When Cast, this Spell will place a defensive Shield around the Mage’s mind that prevents any Charm or Mind Read Spells from affecting the Mage.  Mind Shield will only protect against Spells of a level equal or lower than that one that it was cast at.
The Spell has a duration of one day but it will protect against any number of mind attacks during that day.  The Caster of the Mind Shield will instantly know if there is an attempt at a Charm or a Mind Read Cast upon them.  They will not automatically know who cast the Spell or what direction it came from, but they will know that they were the target of such a Spell.
Mind Shield has no effect against Spells of a higher Casting cost or a higher Level than itself.  

            Manx looked around the Council Chambers at the gathered dignitaries, local Lords and Mages.  Someone had attempted to read his mind but he had no idea who.  The Mind Shield he had cast earlier that day had protected him and warned him of the attack but unfortunately it gave no clue as to who his antagonist was.
The Mage wandered through the room trying to get a better look at all the possible Casters of the Spell.  Any one of a dozen Mages might have Cast the Spell and none were looking even remotely suspicious or annoyed.  Cursing quietly to himself, Manx vowed that he would get the fool who dared to try to invade his mind!  The only problem was how?

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