Character Generation  

 Creating a character for Demon is an extremely easy process.  The system has been designed to be light on rules and heavy on role-playing and this is reflected in the way that characters are generated.
        The first thing to do is decide what Statistics you want your character to have.  Each character starts with 30 STAT points and these must be deployed amongst the following Statistics.

STRENGTH The physical strength of the character
AGILITY The speed and dexterity of the character
INTELLIGENCE The character's ability to learn and retain knowledge
WILL POWER Common sense and the ability to control Magical energy
CHARISMA The ability to influence how others think of you

Each Statistic must be bought up to at least 2 points and none may be over 10 points.  Think carefully about these Statistics because they will govern the way your character develops.  Statistics cannot be increased through spending Experience Points, although they may be changed by Magical means during the game.
        You now have 150 CREATION POINTS to spend on Skills and Advantages for your character.  A Skill is an ability that can be taught to your character and can be increased through spending Experience Points while an Advantage is simply something that your character has.  As well as Advantages, there are Disadvantages which will give you more Creation Points to spend on your character.  Again, think carefully about Advantages and Disadvantages as they can play a major part in your character’s career and cannot be changed once the character has been created.
        Each Skill has a governing Statistic that it is linked to, the facet of your character that controls how competent they are at any given Skill, and the Skill can never be higher than the governing Statistic.  Skills all start at Level 1 but they can be increased through the expenditure of Experience Points during the game.  

Mage Craft (Specific) 50 Intelligence
Acrobatics 40 Agility
Animal Handling 30 Charisma
Artistic Ability 20 Charisma
Astrology 40 Will Power
Etiquette 30 Charisma
First Aid 25 Will Power
Gambling 30 Charisma
History 25 Intelligence
Horse Riding 15 Agility
Language 25 Intelligence
Lock Smith 30 Agility
Martial Arts 25 Agility
Planar Knowledge (Main) 30 Intelligence
Planar Knowledge (Lesser) 40 Intelligence
Read Lips 30 Will Power
Religious Knowledge 25 Intelligence
Seamanship 25 Intelligence
Sleight of Hand 35 Agility
Tracking 20 Intelligence
Unarmed Combat 20 Strength
Weapon Skill 20 Strength or Agility
Woodsmanship 30 Will Power

                       LIST OF ADVANTAGES                                        LIST OF DISADVANTAGES                 

Mentor 40 Enemy (Major) 30
Good Looks 25 Enemy (Minor) 15
Fast Reactions 35 Ugly 15
Wealth 40 Unlucky 40
Ambidextrous 20 Phobia (Minor) 15
Friend (Major) 30 Phobia (Major) 30
Friend (Minor) 15 Poverty 20
Good Background 30 Poor Background 30
Rival 20

It should be noted that this is by no means the complete list of Skills and Advantages & Disadvantages.  If you can think of any that you want your character to have, let me know and I will tell you if it is appropriate and what the cost will be.
        Each character starts with the Spells Magic Blast and Magic Shield and you can buy further Spells with any Creation Points you have left over.  It should be noted that some Spells are only available to those Mages who start at specific Academies.
        The starting Character also has 10 Spell Points, which can only be increased through Experience Points gained during the game, and 100 Gold Falcons (the currency of Shardar) to spend on equipment.
        Once you have noted all these things down on your Character Sheet that comes with the rule book, you can go on to detail the background, aims, history, etc., of your character.  You do not have to go into vast detail with this, but the more time you spend on the character, the more you will get from the game later on.


Every Mage starts out with 10 Spell Points although this can be increased through the spending of Experience Points.  Each Spell has a casting cost and this is how many Spell Points it costs to use it.  The Mage’s Spell Points will fully recharge themselves when the Mage has a full night’s sleep.


Hit Points are a measure of how hardy the character is and how much damage they can sustain while remaining conscious or alive.  The Hit Points are a combination of the character’s Strength and Agility Statistics and can not be increased through Experience Points.  They may be increased through Spells or Magical Items, but such things are very rare.
        Hit Points for the head are a third of the total Hit Points (round up), the torso is equal to the total, the arms are half (round down) and the legs are half (round up).


Mages can use any kind of weapon and wear any armour but most of the more powerful Mages frown on the use of such things.  They consider any Mage who has to rely on mundane items to defend themselves not worthy of the title of ‘Mage’!
        There is nothing to prevent a character spending Experience Points on improving weapon skills, you do not have to follow the tradition stereotype of a Mage.  You could, for instance, become a great warrior with little Magical ability if you wished.


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